Saturday, August 31, 2019

Part Five Chapter XI

XI Howard had told Shirley that he did not feel well, that he thought he had better stay in bed and rest, and that the Copper Kettle could run without him for an afternoon. ‘I'll call Mo,' he said. ‘No, I'll call her,' said Shirley sharply. As she closed the bedroom door on him, Shirley thought, He's using his heart. He had said, ‘Don't be silly, Shirl', and then, ‘It's rubbish, bloody rubbish', and she had not pressed him. Years of genteel avoidance of grisly topics (Shirley had been literally struck dumb when twenty-three-year-old Patricia had said: ‘I'm gay, Mum.') seemed to have muzzled something inside her. The doorbell rang. Lexie said, ‘Dad told me to come round here. He and Mum have got something to do. Where's Grandad?' ‘In bed,' said Shirley. ‘He overdid it a bit last night.' ‘It was a good party, wasn't it?' said Lexie. ‘Yes, lovely,' said Shirley, with a tempest building inside her. After a while, her granddaughter's prattling wore Shirley down. ‘Let's have lunch at the cafe,' she suggested. ‘Howard,' she called through the closed bedroom door, ‘I'm taking Lexie for lunch at the Copper Kettle.' He sounded worried, and she was glad. She was not afraid of Maureen. She would look Maureen right in the face †¦ But it occurred to Shirley, as she walked, that Howard might have telephoned Maureen the moment she had left the bungalow. She was so stupid †¦ somehow, she had thought that, in calling Maureen herself about Howard's illness, she had stopped them communicating †¦ she was forgetting †¦ The familiar, well-loved streets seemed different, strange. She had taken a regular inventory of the window she presented to this lovely little world: wife and mother, hospital volunteer, secretary to the Parish Council, First Citizeness; and Pagford had been her mirror, reflecting, in its polite respect, her value and her worth. But the Ghost had taken a rubber stamp and smeared across the pristine surface of her life a revelation that would nullify it all: ‘her husband was sleeping with his business partner, and she never knew †¦' It would be all that anyone said, when she was mentioned; all that they ever remembered about her. She pushed open the door of the cafe; the bell tinkled, and Lexie said, ‘There's Peanut Price.' ‘Howard all right?' croaked Maureen. ‘Just tired,' said Shirley, moving smoothly to a table and sitting down, her heart beating so fast that she wondered whether she might have a coronary herself. ‘Tell him neither of the girls has turned up,' said Maureen crossly, lingering by their table, ‘and neither of them bothered to call in either. It's lucky we're not busy.' Lexie went to the counter to talk to Andrew, who had been put on waiter duty. Conscious of her unusual solitude, as she sat alone at the table, Shirley remembered Mary Fairbrother, erect and gaunt at Barry's funeral, widowhood draped around her like a queen's train; the pity, the admiration. In losing her husband, Mary had become the silent passive recipient of admiration, whereas she, shackled to a man who had betrayed her, was cloaked in grubbiness, a target of derision †¦ (Long ago, in Yarvil, men had subjected Shirley to smutty jokes because of her mother's reputation, even though she, Shirley, had been as pure as it was possible to be.) ‘Grandad's feeling ill,' Lexie was telling Andrew. ‘What's in those cakes?' He bent down behind the counter, hiding his red face. I snogged your mum. Andrew had almost skived off work. He had been afraid that Howard might sack him on the spot for kissing his daughter-in-law, and was downright terrified that Miles Mollison might storm in, looking for him. At the same time, he was not so naive that he did not know that Samantha, who must, he thought ruthlessly, be well over forty, would figure as the villain of the piece. His defence was simple. ‘She was pissed and she grabbed me.' There was a tiny glimmer of pride in his embarrassment. He had been anxious to see Gaia; he wanted to tell her that a grown woman had pounced on him. He had hoped that they might laugh about it, the way that they laughed about Maureen, but that she might be secretly impressed; and also that in the course of laughing, he might find out exactly what she had done with Fats; how far she had let him go. He was prepared to forgive her. She had been pissed too. But she had not turned up. He went to fetch a napkin for Lexie and almost collided with his boss's wife, who was standing behind the counter, holding his EpiPen. ‘Howard wanted me to check something,' Shirley told him. ‘And this needle shouldn't be kept in here. I'll put it in the back.'

Friday, August 30, 2019

Milk Tea Essay

BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Business Policy as Discipline The origin of business policy can be traced back to 1911, when Harvard Business School introduced an integrative course in management aimed at the creation of general management capability. This course was based on interactive case studies which had been in use at the school for instructional purposes since 1908. The course was intended to enhance general managerial capability of students, the introduction of business policy in the curriculum of business schools/management institutes came much later. In 1969, the American Assembly of Collegiate School of Business, a regulatory body for Business, a regulatory body for business schools, made the course of business policy, a mandatory requirement for purposes of recognition. Basically business policy is considered as a capstone, integrative course offered to students who have previously been through a set of core functional area courses. The term â€Å"business Policy† has been traditionally used though new titles for the course have begun to be introduced in recent years. According to William F. Glueck, development in business policy arose from the development in the use of planning techniques by managers. Starting from day-to-day planning in earlier times, management tried to anticipate the future through preparation of budgets and using control system like capital budgeting and management by objectives. With the inability of these techniques to adequately emphasize the role of future, long-range planning came to be used. Soon, long range planning was replaced b y strategic planning, and later by strategic management, a term that is currently used to describe the process of strategic decision making. Business policy, as defined by Christensen and others, is â€Å"the study of the functions and responsibilities of senior management, the crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise, and the decisions that determine the direction of the organization and shape its future†. The problem of policy in business, like those of policy in public affairs, have to do with the choice of purposes, the moulding of organizational identity and character, the continuous definition of what needs to be done, and the mobilization of resources for the attainment of goals in the face of competition or adverse circumstances. Business policy tends to emphasize on the rational-analytical aspect of strategic management. It presents a  framework for understanding strategic decision making. Such a framework enables a person to make preparations for handling general management responsibilities. Meaning and the Nature of Management To understand strategic management. We need to have a basic understanding of the term management. The term management can be used in two major contexts. A) It is used with reference to a key group in an organization in-charge of its affairs. In relation to an organization, management is the chief organ entrusted with the task of making it a purposeful and productive entity, by undertaking the task of bringing together and integrating the disorganized resources of manpower, money, materials, and technology into a functioning whole. An organization becomes a unified functioning system when management systematically mobilizes and utilizes the diverse resources. The survival and success of an organization depend to a large extent on the competence and character of its management. Management has to also facilitate organizational change and adaptation. B) The term is also used with reference to a set of interrelated functions and processes, to a field of study of discipline in social science and to a vocation or profession. The functions and processes of management are wide-ranging but closely related. They range all the way from design of the organization, determination of the goals and activities, mobilization and acquisition of resources, allocation of tasks and resources among the personnel and activity units. They also include adoption of certain techniques, tools and methods for carrying on activities, through articulation of skills and efforts of organizational personnel in a unified manner and installation of communication and control system to ensure that what is planned is achieved. A wide range of definition of management exist in the literature on management. Here we shall cite the definition of a few theories: Peter Drucker: Management is a function, a discipline, a task to be done, and managers practice this discipline, carry out the function and discharge these tasks. Dalton McFarland : Management is the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive organizations through systematic, co-ordinated an co-operative human effort. Management is an influence process to make things happen, to gain command over phenomina, to induce and direct events and people in a particular manner. Influence is backed by power, competence, knowledge and resources. Managers formulate their goals, values and strtegies, to cope with, to adapt and to adjust themselves with the behaviour and changes of the environment.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Should conscience always come first in making ethical choices Essay

Should conscience always come first in making ethical choices - Essay Example Thus, it is beyond any doubt that it is particularly important in the decision making process. This paper will argue that in spite of being abstract notion, conscience should always come first in making ethical choices. To begin with, one should point out that it is generally thought that there is no stable algorithm which is able to determine every single decision that a person makes. In other words, â€Å"route to a decision is not predetermined by the mechanism. In this case we need an additional theory to explain voluntary choice†1. This means that the idea of conscience may become the element which is able to make the issue of the nature of the decision making process easier to understand. Indeed, when it comes to analyzing making a decision, there is a considerable number of variables that a person should take into account. Keeping that in mind, it is rather difficult to design a fine as well as well structured approach towards decision making in general. That is why one might heavily rely on conscience when it comes to the issue in question as this concept may provide a person with the required categories that could be later used to make a decision which a person considers to be corre ct. Another important implication that the lack of clearly defined mechanism of the decision making hold is that a person is free to choose its elements. In other words, some people might find it effective to rely on conscience while making a decision and other will dismiss this notion. Thus, the evidence as well as practice shows that if conscience comes first in the decision making process it brings positive consequences. However, a person should approach the notion of conscience with caution. The opponents of this argue that â€Å"conscience has become [the] mystery of decision-making, the enigma to which man assigns human quandaries and upon which he builds this artificial speculation as to the source of moral human choices†2. As a result this point of view

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What does it mean to become a nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What does it mean to become a nurse - Essay Example The goal of this essay is to clearly define what a â€Å"nurse† really means literally along with his responsibilities and duties. Also, there will be a brief definition on the meaning of a â€Å"nurse† to people according to the common grounds of experience. One can just think of the benefits of having a private nurse inside his home. It is a combination of a mother and a care giver at the same time. It can’t be denied that the certainty of one getting well especially for a person who is sick not only relies on the doctor who gives prescriptions but also to the one who counts the time and gives him the medicine with care and with a longing of him getting, that is none other than a nurse. (AOS, pp 1)But more than the idea or the image of a woman wearing plain white suit who is always beside a doctor or beside a dying person at the hospital, a nurse is also a symbol of charity and true care for more than the issue on salary, the time that they devote into helping patients is more than the time ordinary employees spend in their offices. (AOS, pp. 2)I asked many people (nurses) why they devote time taking care of those who are sick and why can’t they just take care of themselves. The common answer was, â€Å"It feels good to be part of one person’s life in a way that you help them survive from a medical problem.† The vagueness of this answer can of course be told by a nurse and nobody else for the experience is unique and the risks encountered are for the ones who really risk their lives to help others, our nurses. That is just one good reason why anyone would choose to become a nurse. What then are the responsibilities of these nurses in the first place To start with the basic, they do the caring and advising for the sick person. They, just like the doctors maintain the health of their patients so that as much as possible, no further complications will arise. Then, with the prescription given by the physician or the doctor, the nurse takes charge and initiates the continuance of the patient's wellness and examples of this can be through giving the right dosage of medicine to the sick person based on the doctor's advice. The nurse also is the one who takes note or jots down the changes and or result of the drugs that were taken and through this, the doctor can make or can arrive on a decision on the condition of the patient. This isn't easy at all for sometimes, if the condition is critical, the nurse needs to be on call and should be ready anytime to write these changes. That leaves them with no idle time for themselves, although this factor should really be consi dered before entering the said profession. (AOS, pp. 2) In addition to this, the delegation of task is also in the name of a nurse where she can also assign to others the duties that she may not be able to accomplish. In order for the needs to be answered, he also tries to check every single bit of information that may be of use to the patient along with the kinds of resolution being made. If there is a hard condition such as being assigned to a special or intensive care, it is also possible that a nurse may not have enough knowledge on the condition but this is where the nurse's instinct comes in and with the help of her trainings and knowledge learned from experience, she survives along with her flexibility. (AOS, pp. 2) On the other hand, based on the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia which contains the standards that are expected to be met by the nurses in the said place, the main idea for a nurse to become who she

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics - Auction Theory Essay

Macroeconomics and Microeconomics - Auction Theory - Essay Example The first type of open auctions is called English or ascending bid auctions, where the auction is usually done in real time. In this case, the seller usually sets a low price as the beginning price, after which the price is increased gradually as the bidder offer their prices. The bidders drop out of the auction as their true values are exceeded until the last bidder gets the item at her intrinsic value. The second type of auction is called Dutch or descending bid auctions, where the seller starts the auction at a high price and then gradually drops until the first bidder states the price and takes the item at the stated price (Easley and KleinBerg, 2010). The main area of focus for this paper is sealed bid auctions, which are divided into two types; first-price sealed bid auctions and second-price sealed bid auctions. The first-price sealed bid auction is one where all the buyers submit simultaneous sealed bids to the seller, who opens them and sells the item to the highest bidder a t the stated price (Easley and KleinBerg, 2010). Conversely, second-price sealed bid auctions refer to a case where the buyers submit sealed bids to the seller, who opens them and sells the item to the highest bidder, but at the second highest price. This type of auction is also called Vickrey auctions (Koutsojannis and Sirmakessis, 2009). Informational asymmetry in auctions usually affects the bidding decisions of both the seller and the buyer (Koutsojannis and Sirmakessis, 2009). To describe seller monopoly, consider an auction where the seller attaches a price of x on the item, and the bidder attaches a price of y to the item. In this case, the surplus to the seller and the buyer is...This essay outlines key concepts of the auction theory and stresses the importance of the game theory advances in choosing the right bidding strategy. This paper mainly focuses on first-price and second-price sealed auctions. The types of auctions are usually dispersed between open and sealed auctions, both of which need different types of bidding strategies . The first type of open auctions is called English or ascending bid auctions, where the auction is usually done in real time. The second type of auction is called Dutch or descending bid auctions, where the seller starts the auction at a high price and then gradually drops until the first bidder states the price and takes the item at the stated price The first comparison is between descending bid auctions and first-price auctions, where we know that, in a descending bid auction, the seller lowers the price until the first bidder gets the item at the highest price. Conversely, second-price sealed bid auctions and ascending bid auctions are similar. In the case of first-price sealed bid auctions, the value of the bid affects both the winning fact and how much the winning bidder pays for the item. The game theory setting for this kind of bid is to set up the bidders as players, where a bidder i assigns a value v to the item and bids at a price b. The dominant strategy in the case of second-price sealed bids is a truthful strategy, where the bidder bids the price of her true value as assigned to the item, since deviations from the price does not increase the payoff earned

Monday, August 26, 2019

The importance of XML Labelling Schemes in Managing XML data Case Study

The importance of XML Labelling Schemes in Managing XML data - Case Study Example 2008: 5). XML labelling schemes refer to tools which are basically used to assign unique codes to the nodes in the tree such that the constant time is taken in the determination of the relationship between two nodes from the codes. The basic binary encoding and the enhanced binary encoding can be used for labelling the XML tree. A label consists of labelling schemes which can be compared with the structural join performance of other labelling schemes (Min, Lee, & Chung 2009: 505). A good labelling scheme is, therefore, determined by how well it determines the relationship between XML elements and how it quickly it offers access to the desired data. Counting odd division values of a label is used to determine the level of the optimized prefix compression scheme; where the prefix-based labelling scheme lends itself of a name directory with (potentially) all element names occurring in the XML document (Haustein & HÃ ¤rder 2007: 515).Labelling schemes in existence can be categorised as either in terval labelling or prefix labelling(Sexton 2009:160). For interval labelling scheme, a pair of numbers are assigned to label each node in the tree, with the first number being the pre-order number and the second one the post-order number (Wu, Lee & Hsu 2004:68).This labelling scheme supports XML query processing of the XML efficiently but has the shortcoming of processing the dynamic updates of the tree structure (Bouganim, Ngoc, & Pucheral 2004: 87). Therefore, insertion or deletion of new nodes requires relabeling of the existing nodes (Ma & LI 2010: 107). In prefix labelling on the other hand, a path from the root is used to label each element and therefore the label of the parent node is the prefix for all the descendants (Kaplan, Milo, & Shabo 2002: 958). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics).This labelling scheme is advantageous in that it is dynamic and therefore

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Urban renewal in the al-Darb al-Ahmar District of the Cairo Essay

Urban renewal in the al-Darb al-Ahmar District of the Cairo - Essay Example However, this area is ripe for revitalization, as the residences of the area are committed to living there, and are willing to commit time and resources to make it happen. This paper will describe the history of the al-Darb Al-Ahmar area, as well as detail the reasons why it is ripe for revitalization, and the steps that are being taken to accomplish this. Brief Historical Analysis The history of al-Darb Al-Ahmar, according to Rashidi (2005), was that it was a settlement that was located just outside the walled city of Fatimid, which was the palace-city inside the city of Cairo, Egypt. The neighborhood was originally a cemetery, and, after the exodus of the population within the walled city after periods of drought and famine in the 11th Century, has brought people outside the walls of the precinct. This expanded the walls of the Fatimid to encompass other urban developed areas, and the al-Darb Al-Ahmar became one of the first areas that were a part of this urban expansion. The Citadel, within the al-Darb Al-Ahmar area, became the seat of power, which helped shape the urban development of the area, according to Rashidi (2005). The eastern city wall, which extended past the Citadel, formed the outer edge of the al-Darb Al-Ahmar, and the al-Darb Al-Ahmar area became an important area for the functioning of the city of Cairo. Because the Citadel remained the seat of power, the al-Darb area became a prestigious area, and became the centre of the economic and political life during the Mamluk period (Rashidi, 2005). The city is very historical, as many of the buildings w hich are institutional in nature have been present since the medieval era. The residential buildings, however, from that era have long since been torn down to make way for palaces and mosques. The institutional buildings have been supported by endowments, especially the religious buildings, and these buildings still stand. Religious buildings are not the only institutional buildings that have remained, as a hospital built around 1420, which is in the Citadel area, still remains, through endowments by the civic court institutions (Rashidi, 2005). In the modern day, there have been mixed attempts to preserve the area of the al-Darb, according to Rashidi (2005). The historic buildings have been preserved by the Comite de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe, which is an organization that has been dedicated to preserving the historical monuments of the area. Specifically, these historical monuments were being encroached by the derelict properties that surrounded these monume nts. However, the plan to get rid of these encroachments, so that the monuments were free-standing went too far, according to Rashidi (2005), in that all of these buildings were demolished, which damaged the urban fabric. Moreover, the planners, through the years, although well-intentioned, also helped to undermine the urban area, as they did not take into account that entire areas of the neighborhood should be considered to be historic. This resulted in such actions as widening the streets, without regard to social and urban consequences of doing so, and this made the urban fabric of the al-Darb Al-Ahmar decay. The al-Darb Al-Ahmar Project The al-Darb Al-Ahmar project came about, according to The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (2005), because the neighborhood was decaying. The refuse was piling up in alleyways, and landlords did not care for their properties. Yet, the neighborhood is one of the most

Saturday, August 24, 2019

CV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

CV - Essay Example I now know that architecture is what I was born to do, and I will pursue this goal wherever it takes me. My educational achievements, along with extracurricular activities, prove that I am a committed and hard-working person in all aspects of my life. I had the privilege of studying at Kingston University in London due to the generosity of the Saudi Arabian government, which gave me a full scholarship. During my training experiences, I was able to get along with my co-workers and learn how to fit into a team. The specific activities that I had the opportunity to perform include model making and sketching. When I received training at Retaj Consulting & Engineering last summer, I interned in the architectural department. Please refer to my resume for more information and do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything that you would like to discuss with me. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I look forward to hearing your response

Ethics and Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Ethics and Risk Assessment - Essay Example 2), the form will be submitted to the appropriate Programme Administrator. Specific deadlines may apply: check on the School student intranet or with the Programme Administrator. After submission of the form, students may still change the title of their project with the agreement of their supervisor. If a change to title has ethical or risk implications however then the form should be resubmitted, this should also be indicated. Family Name First name(s) Registration Number Programme/Degree Name of Supervisor or Course-unit Leader Section 1. Confirmation of Title and Description of Project Title Child Abuse in the Catholic Church: Interview with an abused Attach a separate sheet with a description of your proposed project, max. 500 words. This should not be a theoretical or intellectual rationale, nor a detailed methodology. It should specify the location(s) and duration of your project and describe, as far as possible, who you will work with and what your interactions with research p articipants will consist of (i.e. what you will actually do with them and in what contexts) and what kind of data you will collect. Section 2. Risk Assessment Please tick (?) one box (there is no need to print out or submit a copy of the generic assessments): The proposed research does not involve any fieldwork but complies with the School Generic Risk Assessment C: On Campus Working. I confirm I have read and understood this assessment. The proposed research does include a period of fieldwork, but complies with the School Generic Risk Assessment A: Off Campus work in the UK. I confirm I have read and understood this assessment. ? The proposed research does include a period of fieldwork, but complies with the School Generic Risk Assessment B: Off Campus work overseas. I confirm I have read and understood this assessment. The proposed research does include a period of fieldwork, but falls outside of the School’s Generic Risk Assessments and therefore I have completed and attac hed a full risk assessment for approval. Section 3. Ethical Considerations Question 1 YES NO Will the research for your project involve you in gathering or holding data from living human participants in any form (i.e. interviews, surveys, observation)? Yes or No, please tick (?) one box ? If you answered No to Question 1, then you are free to undertake your research, but if your research alters at any time before submission to involve the gathering of information from or holding of data from living human participants then you must recomplete and resubmit this form. If you answered Yes to Question 1, please continue onto Question 2 Question 2 Please confirm that you have read and understood the School’s template for Ethics Approval for Student Research Projects with Consenting Adults and that your project falls within the parameters described in the template. Yes or No, please tick (?) one box YES NO ? If you answered Yes to Question 2 then you are free to undertake your resea rch providing you abide by the following conditions. You must work to the information contained in the School’s template for Ethics Approval for Student Research Projects with Consenting Adults, regarding use of participant consent forms and participant information forms, and regarding the safe collection, storage and handling of data. If your research alters at any time before submission to depart from the School’s template for Ethics Approval for Student Research Projects with Consenting Adults, then this approval is revoked and you must speak immediately to your supervisor. You must complete and submit with this form a sample participant infor

Friday, August 23, 2019

EasyJet plc (airline strategy report) Assignment - 1

EasyJet plc (airline strategy report) - Assignment Example Its technology is at a strong point though there is need for improvement with constant growth of new technology (Simister 2011). Threat of entry is very low compared to heavy budget connected to airline demands. Globalization is providing the company with new opportunities for new markets allowing the company expands through different nations. EasyJet has a great potential of growth within the airline industry because of its ability to operate in small airports where other airlines in these airports is very low (Bamber et al. 2009). The diagram above indicates that EasyJet is in a favorable position giving it the ability to take up a growth strategy which is aggressive. It is evident that the airline is operating in a stable and attractive industry giving it competitive advantages coupled with significant financial strength. From the above analysis, it is quite evident that EasyJet strategy is adequate in relation to the airline industry market demand. However, there are several issues that the company needs to address to strengthen its strategies. The following recommendations are necessary; There is need for EasyJet to expand its geographical market to other market apart from its concentration in Europe and countries near Europe. By so doing the company will be able to capture low cost airline demand especially in developing countries. In order to increase its competition in the low cost airlines, it is important for EasyJet to improve its facilities of operating the flights. Improving its facilities will provide the airline with opportunities to operate better in markets. Even in establishment of low cost flights, EasyJet need to create different boarding classes to fit a wide segment of its target market. For instance, businessmen prefer business class while travelling which cannot be the same case for other individuals. The company can engage its customer through offering group discounts for customer travelling as group. For

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Different examples of power Essay Example for Free

Different examples of power Essay What is power? What are different examples of power? How can people gain and maintain power? Power is being able to make something happen or prevent something from happening. You know if someone has power if they are leaders or if they are respected. If you’re a good influence you can also gain power because people begin to follow in your footsteps. Examples of power are political, economic, and social. Political power is an authority held by a group within society that allows for the administration of public resources and implement policies for society. The President has political power and the governor has political power. Social power is the degree of influence that an individual or organization has among their peers and within their society as a whole. Martin Luther King had social power and Malcolm X also had social power. Economic power is organization of the money, industry, and trade of a country, region, or society. Jay Z has economic power because he has money. My essay is going to be about stop and frisk and how often it is being used by police officers and how it affects the people in neighborhoods it is constantly happening in and the statistics on the frisking. In New York City police officers have a program called stop and frisk which is when a person is stopped by a cop and patted down to examine if the person is carrying a weapon or if the person is engaging in illegal activity. This type of limited search occurs when police confront a suspicious person in an effort to prevent a crime from taking place. A stop is different from an arrest. An arrest is a lengthy process in which the suspect is taken to the police station or booked and a frisk is only a temporary search. If the officer uncovers further evidence during the frisk, the stop may lead to an actual arrest, but if no further evidence is found, the person is let go. Unlike a full search, a frisk is only limited to a patting down of the outer clothing. If the officer feels something like a weapon, the officer may then reach inside the persons clothing. If no weapon is felt, the search may not go any further than the outer clothing. In 2011, New Yorkers were stopped by police 685,724 times by police officers and 88 percent of them were totally innocent. 34 percent were African Americans 34 percent where Latinos. 51 percent were though age 14 to 24, only 9 percent were Caucasian.. In the first nine months of 2012, New Yorkers were stopped by police 443,422 times. 89 percent were completely innocent. 55 percent were  black and 32 percent were Latinos, 10 percent were white. Stop and frisk causes people to be afraid of the police because when they are around they have to worry about being frisked by them. â€Å"Stop-and-Frisk abuses corrode trust between the police and communities, which makes everyone less safe. I know people that get very scared when the police come around because he had been frisked a lot of times. Police officers also sometimes use physical force when frisking people. For example, if you are getting frisked and you try to resist, the police will sometimes use physical force on you because they may feel like you’re disobeying them. Stop and frisk is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment says â€Å"people have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.† Mayor Bloomberg and police say stop and frisk has helped New York reach a low crime rate. New York has the lowest crime rate among the nation’s biggest cities, said by the FBI. People call the stop and frisk practice racial discrimination. Aggressive stop-and-frisk practices are having a profound effect on individuals, groups and communities across the city. Residents of some New York City neighborhoods describe a police presence so pervasive and hostile that they feel like they are living in a state of siege. w deeply this practice impacts individuals and they document widespread civil and human rights abuses, including illegal profiling, improper arrests, inappropriate touching, sexual harassment, humiliation and violence at the hands of police officers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparison of Saudi Arabia and Europe Human Trafficking

Comparison of Saudi Arabia and Europe Human Trafficking International Human Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking is an egregious example of how globalization can facilitate and grow international crime rings for purposes of economic gains. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines human trafficking as the acquisition of people by improper means, such as force, deception, or fraud with a primary goal of exploiting them (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009). With the emergence of globalization, the world has opened up and people are more integrated. As a result, movement across the international borders in Europe and Saudi Arabia has been facilitated by the open trade policies adopted. Also, the rise of industrialization and emergence of multinational corporations in both Saudi Arabia and some of the developed European countries are some of the factors of globalization that have necessitated the need for cheap labor as industrial competition intensified globally. Therefore, it is important to create a comparison of the primary factors that facilitat e international human trafficking in Saudi Arabia and Europe to understand the influence that globalization has on the issue. Research Question The following research paper will focus on the key question: Does human trafficking have the same characteristics in Saudi Arabia, as it does in Europe? In responding to this research question, the study will focus on various aspects of culture, socioeconomic conditions, politics, and institutional differences between Saudi Arabia and European countries, and how they contribute to international human trafficking. Hypothesis The research will be directed towards the following hypothesis: Globalization has led to a set of differences in economic, cultural, technological and political factors in Saudi Arabia and Europe. Consequently, these factors define the individual characteristics of human trafficking in each region. Importance of the Research Question The research question is a core concept in unearthing various economic, social, cultural, and individual factors that motivates human trafficking, which is currently a global issue both in the developing and industrialized countries in Saudi Arabia and Europe. By understanding the existing differences in various aspects of human trafficking in Saudi Arabia and Europe, the study will provide a general blueprint on how globalization has contributed to increased cases of human trafficking worldwide. The research question will guide on global policies that should be enacted in order to deal with the problem of human trafficking, which is already a global threat. Human trafficking is a multifaceted issue, which makes it difficult to alleviate completely. First of all, international human trafficking is the most common form of human trade whereby victims are moved across the borders to other countries. Differences in policies, border regulation legislation, socio-economical issues, and cultures among countries make coordination of efforts to combat the crime futile. Therefore, the research question will enhance our understanding in terms of policies and legislation in Saudi Arabia and European countries, how these policies either prevent or facilitate human trafficking, and what needs to be done about such policies to curb the criminal activity. Also, the research question outlines the factors that motivate human trafficking in Saudi Arabia and whether the same factors contribute to human trafficking in Europe. Generally, it is known that different regions have specific needs for the victims of human trafficking. For instance, victims of human trafficking in Saudi Arabia are mainly required for sexual exploitation and forced labor. On the other hand, in Europe, human trafficking mainly revolves around the acquisition of people for purposes of forced labor, servitude and slavery and sexual exploitation in equal measures. These differences also complicate global efforts on ending human trade. Therefore, the research question will provide a roadmap to establish the underlying factors in the Saudi Arabia and Europe which dictate the specific reasons for the acquisition of victims of human trafficking. Consequently, it is possible to develop an integrated approach to address this multifaceted issue. Lastly, this research question is a key influence on policies that will guide consensus building among countries in order to address the growing problem of international human trafficking. Currently, the world is dynamic in various ways and, therefore, issues affecting one country are likely to impact on others. This has primarily been a factor of globalization. Through globalization, business relationships, as well as individual interaction, have increased. Consequently, international crimes such as human trade have, also been facilitated by this integration. With the neoliberalism and emergence of globalization, nations are in a rush to build their individual economies and at the same time disregard policies that influence international relations. Being an international problem with universal threats to human security, human trafficking has negative effects on international relations. It undermines individual and state security because it violates all the elements of human security as a result of coercion and exploitation. These elements include environmental, personal, economic, political, health, community, and food. Therefore, the research question is holistic and will facilitate understanding of international human trafficking from political, economic, cultural, and humanitarian dimensions on the lens of globalization. Review of Literature In his study, Rahman (2011) defines human trafficking as the movement of victims usually women and children across borders either legally or illegally. In addition, the victims can either be documented or without any documents, usually heading to unknown destination unaware of the consequences thereof (Rahman, 2011, p. 54). Current forms of human trafficking in both Saudi Arabia and Europe are more subtle compared to several decades ago. In most cases, victims are usually lured by better opportunities, such as jobs. This is the modern day slavery. According to Rahman (2011), human trafficking is a global phenomenon that can be inextricably linked to the current move of globalization in the sex industries that mainly involve women and children. There are differences in demand for victims of sex trade between Europe and Saudi Arabia. While sex trade is linked with human child trafficking in Saudi, Arabia, sex trafficking in Europe usually involve more adults than children. Globalization and the subsequent free international border movement has facilitated international human trafficking (Liu, 2010). The process has made border crossing especially in European countries very easy. In both Saudi Arabia and Europe, the existing supply-and-demand relationship as a result of globalization has led to establishment of criminal networks which facilitate illegal border crossing as countries enact restrictive immigration policies (Liu, 2010). Subsequently, this has also increased the risks and vulnerabilities of unauthorized immigrants already in the countries to all forms of exploitation (Liu, 2010). Also, Liu (2010) suggests that limitation of immigration through restrictive policies also perpetuate inequality at the global level. Free movement of capital has been enabled by economic globalization. However, states have been using the migration policies as nation-state level gatekeeping instruments by allowing multinational corporation to relocate to low-cost ar eas (Liu, 2010). Saudi Arabia is among the Middle Eastern countries alongside United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Cambodia, Venezuela among others that are designated as Tier 2 by the United States Department of States in relation to human trafficking. According to this classification, Tier 2 countries have governments that do not comply with the minimum standards to eradicate human trafficking (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016). Increased cases of human trafficking in Saudi Arabia are motivated by various factors of globalization such as easier movement of people into the country according to this report. Currently, Saudi Arabia is a major destination for people from East Africa and South East Asia who either move to the country voluntarily or trafficked for purposes of labor exploitation, or other criminal activities such as forced begging (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016). In Saudi Arabia, although globalization is a primary factor for the current trends in human trafficking, the political situat ion in the country is also a factor that has contributed to increasing cases of human trafficking. According to the United States Department of States 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report, the government of Saudi Arabia is yet to fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016). Despite the high number of immigrants in Saudi Arabia who come as domestic servants as well as other forms of exploitation, the government is yet to increase anti-trafficking efforts (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016). Therefore, human trafficking in Saudi Arabia is both a factor of globalization and weak government policies, as per the U.S Department of States 2016 report (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016). ÂÂ   Globalization has also resulted to economic competition whereby increasing product prices increases the demand for cheap labor as a means of cost reduction. Also, inequalities in economic growth among European countries and Saudi Arabia have resulted to industrialization of some countries while others are underdeveloped (Rahman, 2011). Saudi Arabia is among the Middle East countries that are endowed with resources such as oil and therefore their economy is doing well. On the other hand, the source countries in East Africa where the victims of human trafficking come are usually characterized by poor economic development and high population growth rate. Consequently, commodification of human life has resulted as human traffickers view humans as exploitable resources that are readily available (Liu, 2010). In his study, Liu (2010) asserts that although human trafficking generally has a long history, the criminal network in the human trade has extended to an unprecedented scale as a result of the widening inequality at the global level. With globalization and the rise of neoliberalism, inequalities among countries have encouraged millions of disadvantaged people to migrate (Liu, 2010, p. 2). Liu (2010) further suggests that although poverty and poor working conditions are the historically known causes of irregular migration, the phenomenon is not purely supply-driven both Saudi Arabia and Europe. As an industrialized economy, Saudi Arabia is on the edge of global economic competition. Therefore, most of the sectors of the economy are under intense pressure to minimize their costs and at the same time capitalize on cheap and flexible labor. This form of labor is readily found from migrants whether they moved in the country legally or illegally (Liu, 2010). This is also the driving force behind human trafficking in Saudi Arabia andÂÂ   Europe whereby industrialization, as well as the emergence of multinational corporations, demand cheap and readily ava ilable labor (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009). Gilbertson (2015) views the phenomenon of expanding human trafficking as an outcome of the industrial changes through the era of globalization. As a result of globalization, the sex industry which initially occupied a marginal position has now taken the central position in the global economy. The industry has grown tremendously in Saudi Arabia and Europe as a result of the huge profit margins, the extensive market demand and the organizational mechanism that is keen on exploiting the demand (Gilbertson, 2015, p. 9). Developing nations in Europe which were initially under the Soviet Union, such as Ukraine and the Baltic states, were left adrift after the Cold War (Gilbertson, 2015, p. 16). Subsequently, organized crime took center stage. This era was also characterized by technological development which promoted cross-border trade, migration covering up and investment opportunities. According to Gilbertson (2015), globalization has affected all aspects of life such as culture, politic al systems, economic systems among others in Europe. Human trafficking is among the transnational organized crimes that have expanded as a result of globalization. According to Gilbertson, (2015) growth of transnational organized crimes especially in Europe has been fostered by various factors of globalization such as enhanced flow of goods, capital and services, global tourism, increase in human migration and increase in outsourcing manufacturing. Gilbertson (2015) also shows a correlation between the international human trafficking as a transnational organized crime that has been promoted by the law enforcements and individual governments in both Europe andÂÂ   Saudi Arabia. For a long time, governments have been focusing on criminal groups instead of criminal markets. The existing market demand for victims of human trafficking promotes the human trade despite efforts to eliminate the criminal networks. In her research, Gilbertson (2015) focuses on three key global drivers of trafficking for sex exploitation. They include war, economic instability, and technological advancements. In all recent wars surrounding the recent age of globalization, sex trafficking has been reported, hence, creating a dangerous environment for women and children living in war-torn areas in Europe. Also, the increased mobility of the people and instability in such zones further provide a perfect environment for human trafficking for sexual exploitation (Gilbertson, 2015, p. 22). This is the case in war-torn European countries. In addition, economic instability promotes the emergence of criminal activities and promotes migration. Globalization and technological revolution has promoted human trafficking in many ways. Gilbertson (2015) also links the expansive human trafficking criminal network in Europe and Saudi Arabia to globalization, which influences technological revolution in term of communication and marketing. Communication and information sharing through cell phones have promoted human trafficking especially for purposes of sexual exploitation (Gilbertson, 2015, p. 27). Also, the Internet has led to an enormous boom in the child pornography industry with latest forms of human trafficking for sexual exploitation taking place online through chat rooms. In Holland and other surrounding Nordic countries, pornography is legal, and this has promoted cases of child trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation (Gilbertson, 2015, p. 28). In addition, globalization has also facilitated advancements in transportation technology both in Europe and Saudi Arabia. The subtle forms of slavery promoted by human trafficking occur when in the process of searching for economic opportunities, migrants are coerced into work unwillingly (Liu, 2010, p. 2). Liu asserts that international human trafficking is not only an international crime but a process of globalization itself especially in technological perspective. Although globalization has contributed to important gains especially in the areas of trade, communication and transport in Europe, it has also opened up new avenues for human traffickers who are able to easily conduct the criminal activities (Liu, 2010). In his study, Brewer (2010) acknowledges the research question by linking the process of globalization as an integral part of growing cases of international human trafficking. In this study, Brewer (2010) asserts that in the wake of globalization, interplay of economic, social and political factors in different parts of the world have resulted to what he terms as global apartheid which has given rise to a new fourth world which is a population comprising of the incarcerated, homeless, impoverished and other socially excluded people (Brewer, 2010, p. 47). This is the group of people who provide most of the victims of human trafficking. The comparative advantage in goods and cheap labor in the third world countries has contributed towards objectifying and exploiting humans for economic ends (Brewer, 2010, p. 48). Based on the suggestions provided by other scholars in answering the research question, I will consider evaluating the existing connection between the process of globalization and international human trafficking. I will focus on providing evidence why human trafficking is not an outcome of globalization but rather a part of it. This implies that even though different states have the option to enact policies and legislation that can minimize cases of human trafficking, there are aspects of globalization that cannot be adjusted. First, I would focus on showing the evidence on how globalization has promoted stiff economic, technological, social, and political competition in both developing and industrialized countries. A primary outcome of this competition is increased inequality between nations. As the industrialized countries continue to develop, the disadvantaged countries are forced to bear the repercussions of this economic competition in terms of slower economic growth, high rate of unemployment, low literacy levels and rapidly growing population. Consequently, I will provide a critical analysis on how these factors provide the right environment which facilitates human trafficking as excessive population makes humans exploitable resources. Also, in answering the research question, I will critically evaluate how political factors such as weak government, corruption and the rise of highly developed organized crimes have led to an increase in cases of human trafficking, especially in the Saudi Arabia. The international community has not yet come into aid of governments with a weak economic infrastructure that can aid in combating this global crime. I will also provide an input on reasons why the weak governments are unable to handle the problem of human trafficking suh as insufficiency of resources, manpower, and technology that is critical in decreasing human trafficking cases in their respective areas of jurisdiction. Also, I wil provide evidence on how human trade has proliferated in European countries where the governments are unable to maintain economic and political stability. Lack of an effective international oversite body to monitor the policies used by individual countries to combat human trafficking also contri butes towards the proliferation of the vice in countries with a weak political system. I will also be critical on Weak relations in the international community and this has also contributed towards the spread of the criminal network dealing in human trade in Europe and Saudi Arabia. Failure by countries and international organizations to effectively monitor and address the problem of human trafficking in individual countries has subsequently reinforced it. In my analysis on the factors in globalization that have contributed to the high rate of human trafficking in Saudi Arabia and Europe, I will also focus on the weak relations in the international community and how they have also contributed towards the spread of the trade as well as how failure by countries and international organizations to effectively monitor and address the problem of human trafficking in individual countries has subsequently reinforced it. With the world moving towards exceeding its capacity, human beings are becoming the most abundant and exploitable resources. Therefore, when answering the research question, I will provide evidence on how countries with a lower Gross National Product (GNP) are more prone to cases of human trafficking in comparison to countries with a high GNP. Also, the answer to the research question will focus on the economic factors in globalization such as increased demand for cheap labor and subsequent influence on international human trafficking . In addition, I will concentrate on issues such as how globalization has destroyed the barriers between countries hence paving the way for illegal inter-border immigration. Increased amount of consumerism in developed countries lead to a subsequent increase in demand for cheap and exploitable labor. Part II Research Methods In order to carry out the research that will help in answering the research question, I will employ various methods of data collection, data analytical tools and assumed data analysis. Primarily, this section of the research will describe the rationale for the application of the specific procedures and techniques in data collection and analysis for the study. This will be a crucial part of the study that will enable the reader to critically evaluate the overall validity and reliability of the study. Data collection and analysis tools that will be chosen for this study are critical because they will automatically affect the findings and by extension, how the findings will be interpreted. The methods that will be chosen for collection and analysis of the data should be appropriate for fulfilling the overall aim of this study in order to come up with informed rationale on the existing relationship between globalization and aspects of international human trafficking in Europe and Saudi A rabia. Therefore, a large enough sample size will be important for this study to generalize and make informed recommendations based on the findings of the study. In this study, aspects of both qualitative and quantitative research will be applied. Study Participants When choosing the participants for this study, it is important to consider the respondents who will provide the best information for this study. Therefore, it is important to think carefully around all the issues surrounding the research question and gain access to the most effective respondents. Secondly, it is important to consider the number of participants who will take part in the study and how they will be selected. The key participants for this study will include government sources who will provide information on policies in place to address human trafficking in Europe and Saudi Arabia. This is because government policies are major drivers of globalization and subsequently, human trafficking. Another group of participants for this study will be identified victims of human trafficking. As study participants, victims of human trafficking are credible sources of vital information regarding the trade such as the methods used by the traffickers to acquire the victims and how they a re facilitated in entering through borders. Information acquired from this group of participants will facilitate the research in terms of creating constructs between border policies in Europe and Saudi Arabia and international human trafficking. Identified victims of human trafficking can be accessed through various recovery centers and focused groups. Another group of study participants who can help in answering the research question include voluntary convicted participants in the human trade who will provide information on various factors of globalization that determine demands for victims of human trade as well as how the cartels are connected in Saudi Arabia and Europe. This group of participants will also provide vital information on how border culture, weak institutions among other factors facilitate the business of human trafficking.ÂÂ   There is no age limit for the study participants because the victims of human trade includes all genders, age groups, race, religion an d socio-economic classes. Data Collection The following research will employ various data collection strategies in order to critically analyze the issues surrounding globalization and how they have contributed toward human trafficking internationally. Both the primary and the secondary data sources will be employed in order to provide a form of analysis on the changing trends in international human trafficking so that the impact of globalization on the vice can be scrutinized. Therefore, the various tools for data collection will be considered in this study. The methods of data collection will depend on their suitability to the target groups and the various issues that require assessment. Also, the tools chosen to collect data will depend on their efficiency in identifying issues such as the outputs and the outcomes of the process. The ability of the instruments of measure to provide similar answers to the same question when administered differently is also a key determinant of the tools to be used in data collection. Variou s data collection tools have their advantages and disadvantages and, therefore, suitability for the study should be the main point of consideration. Data Collection Tools Various methods of data collection critical for the subject include primary data sources from victims of human trafficking. This can be obtained from series of interview, focus groups and case studies in order to obtain first-hand insights into human trade and the similarities in the victims of human trafficking such as countries of origin, economic status and the circumstances surrounding their trafficking. Both qualitative and quantitative data can be collected in relation to globalization and international human trafficking to provide a relationship in between that can guide future approach to the issue. Quantitative data Quantitative data is a useful tool in this research for the informed measure of quantities. This can include statistical data such as numbers of victims of human trafficking etc. Census reports. Census reports are key to globalization and human trafficking studies because it will provide data about every unit in a group of the population. For instance, census reports from various countries can show that age variations among the citizens and also monitor movements of different groups of people both locally and internationally. In addition, through census reports, it is possible to examine the current economic conditions in a given country and how these conditions influence migration of the people. Administrative data. Various international organizations such as UNICEF, ILO, UNODC collect information on a day-to-day basis on operations and economic trends in various countries. The statistics obtained from these organizations annual reports is usually in real time and can be used as an indicator of the conditions on the ground. Administrative data will be useful in this research because it will shows various economic policies operating in different countries influence trade, the emergence of new industries and border movements. This form of data will also provideÂÂ   insights on changing trends on international human trafficking such as the destinations, reasons for the trafficking as well as data on the most preferred victims for the trade. An example is the 2014 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime which shows a changing trend in human trafficking whereby girls are more preferred than boys as aÂÂ   result of growing demands in the sex trade. This report also shows the main reasons behind human trafficking in various parts of the world. In Africa and the Saudi Arabi, sexual exploitation and forced labor are the main drivers behind human trafficking. However, in other parts such as East Asia and Americas, forced labor is the primary reason behind the high cases of human trafficking. Tracer studies. Tracer studies will be an important tool for data collection in this research because they will include a combination of regular surveys which are used as the core tool. The regular surveys will be combined with an in-depth discussion with samples of the surveys as well as interviewing key informants about the human trade. Key informants can be voluntary informants who can be either victim of the trafficking or traffickers themselves. Government sources can also be used to provide key information especially on the interplay between the economic policies put in place and how they promote globalization as well as other outcomes of globalization such as human trafficking. Qualitative data. Qualitative data is critical to this study because it will provide information on the qualities which are not measurable. This includes reasons why a particular group of people is preferred as victims of human trafficking in particular parts of the world as well aa the factors that facilitate human trafficking in various parts of the world. Interviews. Interviewing is an essential data collection tool for this study. Interviews can be done on the identified victims of human trafficking because they will assist in providing first-hand information about the nature of the trade. Essentially, human trafficking is a very discreet trade and much is not known about it. Therefore, by linking the information obtained through interviews, it wil be possible to link various aspects of the trade to the prevailing economic conditions and globalization in general. Case studies.Case studies will be extensively used qualitative data collection tools in this research because they will provide a critical analysis of the issue of human trafficking base on specific cases. In this research, case studies involving a particular individual in the trade or country where human trafficking is rampant can provide general insights on the nature of the trade in other parts of the world and how globalization has contributed to changes in the nature of the trade. Besides, case studies also enable movement tracking whereby the identified victims can provide critical information such as the transport methods used by human traffickers, destination, and communication. Case studies also facilitate the process of identifying various agencies that take part in human trafficking. Literature review for secondary data. Literature materials can also provide credible information on nature on the nature of human trafficking as a result of globalization and also providing a comparison with the earlier forms of human trafficking before globalization. This method of data collection heavily relies on the opinions of the researcher as per their area of study. Through a systematic review of literate, it is possible to identify gaps in research that have not been addressed in relation to globalization as a contributing factor to human trafficking. Various research articles employ different methods of data collection. Therefore, it is also possible to compare the various methods of data collection used and identify the most accurate in terms of the findings. Assumed Data Analysis Data analytics refer to various methods of examining raw data in order to draw informed conclusions in relation to the available information. In this study, various tool for data analysis will be used to summarize the information obtained during data collection in order to illustrate various measures that directly or indirectly link international human trafficking to globalization. Data Analysis Planning During data analysis, it is important to edit the research questions and the alternative hypothesis. The data analysis plan will specify the various statistics that need to be analyzed as per the research question and the assumptions of the statistics. Also, the data analysis plan will provide an appropriate justification as to why the statistics chosen are appropriate. Besides, it is important to justify the sample size and if possible references are made. This is

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The History Of Diplomacy History Essay

The History Of Diplomacy History Essay Most nations seek to maximize wealth at the minimum cost possible. Adam Smith s book already broadened the minds of European policy makers to the various ways they may increase the wealth of their respective nations by an acquisition of foreign empires most especially in Africa and Asia where resources could be extracted with less labor and capital sacrifices. The need to establish and make resourceful gains was a major drive towards the decision of western nations to acquire colonies and exploit the prosperity in periphery states. As slave trade was completely abolished and industrial revolution already set in, the need for raw materials and cheaper labor became increasingly important within competing core European nations and a very possible cause of the war could have been the need to eliminate competitors. Great Britain and France in particular had acquired a significant wealth by keeping foreign markets and colonies under their control. In an attempt to keep up with the joneses, other nations desired the same and this led to tensions between them. Alliances were formed by Britain, France and Russia in what was called the Triple Entente on the one hand. On the other hand however, Germany and Austria-Hungary and Italy (the Central Powers) also had their own Triple Alliance mutual defense. The very nature of the alliances among the European great powers had become very polarized by 1907 and so, accommodation was difficult. With increased and intensified antagonism, the dexterity to make credible threats was on the rise so that the severity of a war outbreak would be catastrophic (Cashman and Robinson 36). Arms race began with a very tight competition between the British and German navy. At the time when Germany emerged as an imperial power, the Berlin Conference was held in 1885 wherein an agreement was reached on which regions of Africa each European power had the colonial power. One core nation s wealth of resources can increase significantly if it could have additional colonies under its control. While the British naval force could only afford necessities in their development, the German navy already acquired advancement that catapulted its strength beyond comparable standards of the time. A response from the British was in terms of negotiations on naval cooperation with Russia in early 1914. While the Russians undertook extensive military organization in the aftermath of a defeat by Japan in 1905, railway construction already reached the German frontier in western Russia with the help of investment from the French so that if war broke out with the Germans, there could be a Russian offensive to the east. German concern about the development grew because a merger of Russias natural resources with technological modernization would imply that the future would belong to Russia and the German Schlieffen plan would become virtually inoperative. (Cashman and Robinson 36-38). With local domestic politics playing itself in industrialized Europe, the German government of the time wanted more national support by beginning a diversionary war to distract public s attention because they fear they may loose support. Also, tensions already exist between the left and right wing governments of France after a drastic 19th century French revolution. A war was becoming unavoidable. Furthermore, there was a clear possibility that military service helped generate a nationalist outlook with the help of newspapers by strengthening public opinion. Most of the decision makers of the time were strong believers in the notion that life was a constant struggle to survive and that Charles Darwins theories of natural selection could be transferred to the development of human society. If the history of nations was a constant rising and falling pattern and one nation can conquer the other in a war, then that nation is fit than the others and its nation rises (Hamilton and Herwigs 25-26). The dire need by European states for something that could provide regeneration and save the state from social rigidity led some of them to believe that war was going to play a key role in the long-term social development of their nation. War was seen as a normal tool of international politics and the ultimate legal right of all sovereign states. The nature of global political culture and tha t of institutions of the international system were permissive of war and states considered the preparation for war as one of their prime duties. (Cashman and Robinson, 29 30). Rivalries interwoven with territorial disputes intensified the conflicts most especially between Germany and France and between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Earlier on, the German had meddled in British affairs in South Africa and ill will between these two nations had increased as a consequence. In 1905, and later 1911, the Moroccan crises had erupted with Germany versus France and Britain when the Germans undermined French power in Morocco. Other nations were involved in the events that followed. And, with several other rivalries and meddling springing up within the great powers of Europe, hostilities were unavoidable and that eventually led to the war (Cashman and Robinson 42-48). Of all causes of World War I, the most important, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was a provoking and an almost immediate cause of the war that brings alliances, nationalism and social Darwinism, economic imperialism and militarism into light as other causes. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Bosnia, a part of Austria-Hungary territory. This happened as a protest by Serbia to Austria-Hungary having control of this region. The resulting verdict was a declaration of war on Serbia by Austria-Hungary and the expansion of the war continued as nation states took sides to better serve their interests.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Les Miserables :: essays papers

Les Miserables "Les Miserables" is about a man, Jean Valjean, who has just been released from the galleys after 19 years of imprisonment. He is in search of food and shelter, but all the taverns and inns in D----- have rejected him, because he is a former convict. He then meets a woman in front of the church who tells him to go to the house where the bishop lives. Although the bishop knows Valjean is a convict, he takes him in, and gives him food and shelter. However, Valjean is still tempted to steal from the bishop. He takes his silverware, and flees. Valjean is caught by the police, and forced to return to the bishop's house. The bishop gives Valjean a second chance, by telling the police that the silverware was a gift, and giving him the silver candlesticks in addition. Valjean is instructed to start a new life as an honest man. In M---- sur M----, Valjean invents a new manufacturing process, and earns a great fortune. He has his own factory, and has been elected Mayor Madeline, a new name, to begin a new life. In his factory, works a woman, Fantine, who has given up her child so that she could work to begin a new life, as well. Her daughter, Cosette, was left with the Thenardiers. She was treated terribly, and was forced to eat under the table, with the dog. Meanwhile, Javert, an officer in the galleys where Valjean served, denounces Valjean, because he claims he recognizes him as a former convict. However, he later changes his point of view, claiming that he has found the real Valjean, who is being charged with stealing a branch off an apple tree. Valjean could not live knowing that someone else may be charged more harshly because of the crimes he had committed in the past. Valjean announced his true identity to save the man. He returned to his factory to collect all his money, and then to escape from the police. Javert eventually caught Valjean. At this time, Fantine, who was deathly sick, thought that Valjean had brought Cosette to her. When Javert arrested Valjean, Fantine died. Valjean was sent to the galleys again, but escaped, by faking his death.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Figures of speech in The Fall of the House of Usher -- Essays Papers

Figures of speech in The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†, sets a tone that is dark, gloomy, and threatening. His inclusion of highly descriptive words and various forms of figurative language enhance the story’s evil nature, giving the house and its inhabitants eerie and â€Å"supernatural† qualities. Poe’s effective use of personification, symbolism, foreshadowing, and doubling create a morbid tale leading to, and ultimately causing, the fall of (the house of) Usher. Poe’s use of personification, the act of giving human characteristics to nonhuman things, assigns the house of Usher a powerful and evil presence. In the first paragraph of the story, the narrator describes the house as having â€Å"vacant eye-like windows†. He uses this description twice: first to show that the house has seen everything that has led to the fall of Usher, and again to emphasize the unidentified deception of the house. The narrator also describes his negative reaction to the house as a â€Å"hideous dropping off of the veil†. This statement describes what the house has revealed to the narrator, a disgusting and disappointing appearance. Poe also uses symbolism to compare the deterioration of the house to the fall of the Usher dynasty. In Roderick’s poem, â€Å"The Haunted Palace†, he describes the history of the house as it began as a strong and â€Å"radiant palace†, which over time became a decrepit, disease-ridden cage. The radiant palace repres...

Electoral Basis Of The Two-par :: essays research papers

In the article â€Å"Electoral Basis of the Two Party System† by Maurice Duverger, the political party systems are dissected and looked at from many points of view. Democratic countries can have the political party system range from a two party system, such as the one in the United States, to a many party system, such as the party system in France and Italy. This article also gives the specific views of those few people whom are opposed to the political party systems as well as those few that are for the political party systems. In speaking of those that are in opposition to the political party system, many views and opinions are expressed. The political party system is called a party oligarchy because of the way the election process occurs. The article says, â€Å"The party oligarchy is widened without ever becoming a democracy, for the election is carried out by the members, who are a minority in comparison with those who give their votes to the party in general elections.† Duverger also states that parties usually tend to create an opinion formed by propaganda and improper procedure, such as the ballot procedure. In conclusion, â€Å"the party system is less a photograph of opinion is a projection of the party system.† According to this statement, Duverger expresses that â€Å"the general development of parties tries to emphasize their deviation from the democratic regime [which is a mode of system of rule or government].† The electoral processes are gradually losing ground in the appointment of leaders by nomination or co-option. Because of this fact, â€Å"discipline among members is tightened both by these material means and by an even greater effort of propaganda and persuasion which leads them to venerate the Party and its leaders and to believe in their infallibility.† This statement leads others to believe that a system without political parties would be better for the country as well as for the governmental system of that particular country. Democracy was built on the basis of the eighteenth-century philosophical ideas, which the experts think is true and justifiable. Duverger states that all governments are oligarchic, which means the domination of many by the few. Governments of all types imply discipline, which means â€Å"All discipline is imposed from without: ‘self-discipline’ is itself the result of education, which implies a prior external discipline, and is always very limited.† After looking at a few things that are wrong with governments and why the political party system should be non-existent, â€Å"true democracy is something different, more modest but more real.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Eduation in Malaysia

IntroductionEducation is quickly in Malaysia since independency. Education in Malaysia consist five phases of instruction which are pre-school, primary instruction, secondary instruction, third instruction and post-graduate instruction. Education can be seen as the procedure which is transmits its cognition, values and accomplishments from one coevals to the following coevals. In this instruction is non used merely to transfuse the values and norms of a given society. Different signifiers of instruction have different stucture of larning that define the acquisition procedure. Education is as a tool to cut down poorness, reconstitute the economic system and to raise the criterion of life for the people in this state. The authorities must take a serious base of the on the development of higher and smooth instruction to work passage. Education is one of the most of import investing that state can do it to cut downing poorness and inequality. With instruction, it give a people critical accomplishments and tools to assist them better to supply for themselves and their kids. Besides, it can assist people to work better and make chances for sustainable economic growing now and into the hereafter. Girls and male childs who learn to read, compose and number will supply a better hereafter for households and state. In short, instruction has the power that can do the universe a better topographic point. The elevation of quality instruction in the state is critical for Malaysia to accomplish a high acting instruction system which provides the human capital needed for a high income economic system. It is of import to guarantee the stableness of the person in societal map whereas good instruction gives manner to the position of a occupation and a good wage, contribute positively to the sosioeconomy impact and bring forth psychological development. Many of issue that faced by Malaysia’s instruction system in pull offing the passage of those who complete their surveies as they enter the universe of work such as the job of occupation mismatches, gender instability in instruction and so on. So this subject can analyse what issues that faced by Malaysia’s instruction system.Problems faced by employers in engaging fresh alumnuss From the graph above the bid jobs is hapless bid of English ( 55.8 % ) and these accomplishments are missing among new graduatres. Fresh alumnuss must hold accomplishments when they are using a occupation which are devide to two classs consisting difficult accomplishments and soft accomplishments. Hard skills is a command and pattern of a organic structure cognition whereas soft accomplishments are the development of largerly inter and itra-personnel accomplishments.Issues in instruction3.1The job of occupation mismatches Mismatchs of makings with employers’ demands means that what is expected by the employers in the occupation market does non fit ( Kalaimagal and Norizan, 2012 ) . Lack of experience are the major cause of unemployment among fresh alumnuss. The market is oversupplied with immature and rawness alumnuss as the figure of alumnuss increasing over the twelvemonth. The alumnus glut has resulted that instability of the figure graduates in the relation of the occupation chances available in the market. Harmonizing to the article on â€Å"Close to half of Malayan alumnuss either idle or employed in mismatches fields† , which is attributes up the 40 % public university alumnuss in Malaysia are either idle or are stuck in mismatches business on July 27, 2013. In this article, one of the ways of get the better ofing such jobs is to promote more ( alumnuss ) to be more entrepreneurial and to make that, must guarantee they have more experience that will enable them to be more sustainable. Among the ground side for the unemployment was the deficiency of linguistic communication proficiency peculiarly in English every bit good as non holding sufficient cognition and competence in the occupations that they applied for. The accomplishments mismatches between employers and worker is one is one of many grounds taking to high alumnus unemployment. Malaysia has produced many skilled workers in IT, scientific discipline, and professional alumnuss that were aim to increase R & A ; D and raise productiveness in our cardinal prima sectors. The absence of quality taking establishments to absorb the lead such enterprises has resulted in high unemployment. 3.2Gender Imbalance In Education Gender inequality in instruction and employment poses a major challenge to development. The female advantage in footings of third registration does non necessary straight into advantageous engagement in the labor market. Although adult females are probably more than adult male to hold a university instruction, female alumnus are more likely than male alumnuss to be lower paying occupations or to be unemployed. Female registration has outnumber of males and this phenomenon has been attributed to the new gender spread. Closing the gender spread instruction has now become a development precedence. This identified that instruction is the primary vehicle for adult female that non merely to construct basic capablenesss but besides to play a meaningful function in conveying just societal and economic development. The authorities respects instruction is an of import tool to authorise the adult females of Malaysia and invariably strengthened its instruction system in add-on to supplying more educational chances for adult female. Now, in our system adult female in Malaysia are go toing universities and are enrolled in assorted classs such as humanistic disciplines and humanistic disciplines, scientific discipline and engineering every bit good as vocational and proficient field. Males need to execute good at the school degree in order to vie for topographic points in university. Fewer high paying occupations would be available to work forces taking to alterations in future work force composing. Table 8.3 below in 2013 show the per centum and ratio of pupils at public higher instruction institutes by gender. Percentage of female pupils is the higher which is 61.02 % than the male pupils which is 38.98 % . This information showed the instabilities of gender between female and male pupils. This is because female pupils more to hardworking and to analyze in the higher instituition than male pupils. Lack of Science and Technical GraduatesMalaya is traveling to the rapid displacement of production based economic system to knowledge-based economic system, so companies are increasingly needed more of scientific discipline and proficient alumnuss. On the other custodies, new alumnuss who are non run intoing demands of industry due to the deficiency of important accomplishments and inventions. So, it will be hard when many companies are non willing to put clip and money to develop new alumnuss due to budget and clip restraints because companies have to carry on preparation workshops and classs which can be typically take up to two old ages. Some employers hapless in English bid of the English linguistic communication among fresh alumnuss. In general, local alumnuss are extremely qualified but non adept in English linguistic communication.Lack of accomplishments issueSoft accomplishments are untechnical accomplishments such as communicating, direction and leading which are required to successful pattern. This is because bulk of pupils are non confident with their soft. Soft accomplishments are really of import in procuring a occupation in the occupation market. They are unable to pass on efficaciously because they lack confident and have a hapless bid in English linguistic communication. In add-on, local companies are demanding English proficiency excessively ( The Star, 10 April 2011 ) . Even local company, they are looking for alumnuss who are originative, imaginative and bold to success in the market occupation. It had stated that most employees require workers to possess qualities such as good attitude, strong work moralss, and the ability to pass on good, a willingness to larn and to lend new thoughts. It has been acknowledge by the general consensus of Malayan employers that Malayan graduates lack the soft accomplishments although are good trained in their countries of specialisation ( Nurita, Shaharudin, Ainon, 2004 ) . Soft accomplishments is the most of import accomplishment, this is because they have to pass on clearly and persuasively during the occupation interviews. Malayan instruction system focal point to exam oriented. So, for those who complete their surveies have a deficiency of these accomplishment is common everyplace. Here, new alumnus are a little more cognizant about it now and at that place has been a little betterment but the challenge are the same. There is a fright of failure or being put in the limelight. The Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) has identified seven soft accomplishments that should be possessed by all alumnuss as indicated in the Module for the Development of Soft Skills for Higher Learning Institution Malaysia, 2006 which include the accomplishments for third establishments need to instill among the local alumnuss: critical thought and job resolution accomplishments, communicating accomplishments, womb-to-tomb acquisition and information literacy, squad working accomplishments, professional moralss and morality, entrepreneurship accomplishments and leading accomplishments. Soft accomplishments are identified as generic accomplishments and necessitate preparation in contrast to hard accomplishments which are associated with processs or undertakings that are discernible, measure and mensurable. In confronting the challenge of the occupation market, soft accomplishments are required by university alumnuss. So, larning in third schoolroom has moved off from teacher-centered to student-centered acquisition. Therefore, it can be a necessary for those are seeking a occupation nowadays particularly for new alumnuss. Our system is through test oriented, so many of the pupil are lack in their soft accomplishments. In other to work passage is the supply of work to new fresh alumnuss are small spot. Many of company now need a alumnuss who have a soft accomplishments that will be an advanced individuals. So, our Malayan instruction system must better their system which is exam oriented. Another academic in a private establishment of higher acquisition commented on deficiency of leading in his establishment. Poor leading and deficiency of committedness and motive from top direction is one of the chief grounds which creates a barrier to the growing and effectivity of many private establishments and direction school. A figure of establishments employ retired academicians to busy premier and decision-making places and many of these retired faculty members lack vision, motive and committedness with no involvement in advancing the establishments and direction instruction.Quality IssueCompanies overpoweringly agree that the content and quality of local university instruction do non adequately prepare pupils for the work force while a weak basic instruction is besides to be blame for bring forthing alumnuss with equal soft accomplishments. The Malaysia instruction system must to distinguish between the assorted type of unemployment alumnuss, the ground why they are unable to happen a work, and the intercessions that must be taken to assist them happen employment. One possible account for the comparatively high rate of alumnus unemployment could be employers unwillingness to offer the degree of compensation needed to run into the outlooks of recent alumnuss and pull the needed endowment. So, Malaysia need to turn to the mismatch in skill formation and construct a functioning feedback mechanism between educational establishments and the industry. A university of Malaya seven twelvemonth longitudinal survey of the school work passage ( Nagaraj et al. , 2009: 219 ) found that university alumnuss to hold low respect for creativeness and for hazard pickings. This bring us that fresh alumnuss progressively view of the ability to believe critically and creatively, and work independently. But graduates from Malayan Universities seem to be missing in these countries. In add-on, authorities should look at bettering inducements and enlisting for them for advancing professional development and calling direction ( text book ) Through the analysis of the current public presentation of national instruction based on the design, authorities public scrutiny deficiency of the ability to measure and reflect objectively the academic proficiency of pupils. This harmonizing to non merely did our pupils performed ill in higher degree thought, they besides had troubles with basic cognition. This shows it is a really serious job in pull offing the passage of our pupils. Besides, the public perceptual experience of the quality of instruction from industry position is based on the graph below. Industry position is refer to employers sentiments about university alumnuss and these can be into five failings listed as follows ( Jobstreet study, 2011 ) : ( 1 ) unrealistic salary demands, ( 2 ) bad character, attitude and personality, ( 3 ) hapless bid of English linguistic communication, ( 4 ) deficiency of good communicating accomplishments, ( 5 ) excessively choosey about the occupation. Therefore, issues are faced by Malaysia ‘s instruction system are pupils job to more to their attitude. The jobs non merely in the pupils cognition and acquisition accomplishments but besides in their ways to interacting with people and manage their personal affairs. DecisionAs the decision, Malayan instruction system must hold an inducement to pull offing work passage for those who complete their surveies as they enter the universe of work because many of fresh alumnuss had been seen was unemployment phenomenon. We notice there is over-emphasis on the figure of pupils enrolment. This has reflected that our instruction is pay more attending to measure alternatively of quality. The issues such as the job of occupation mismatches, gender instability in instruction, deficiency of scientific discipline and proficient alumnuss, deficiency of accomplishments issue, choice issue can be a job for instruction system in pull offing for those who complete their surveies as they enter the universe of work. This bring us that fresh alumnuss progressively view of the ability to believe critically and creatively, and work independently. Then, issues are faced by Malaysia ‘s instruction system are pupils job to more to their attitude. The jobs non merely in the pupils cognition and acquisition accomplishments but besides in their ways to interacting with people and manage their personal affairs. This job can be overcome among the pupils if they have options to alter their attitude. Therefore, the work passage will be traveling swimmingly. Mention Azina Ismail. ( 2011 ) , Graduates’ Characteristics And Unemployment: A Study Among Malayan Alumnuss at hypertext transfer protocol: // sa=t & A ; rct=j & A ; q= & A ; esrc=s & A ; source=web & A ; cd=1 & A ; cad=rja & A ; uact=8 & A ; ved=0CBwQFjAA & A ; url=http % 3A % 2F % % 2Fjournals % 2FVol_2_No_16_September_2011 % 2F11.pdf & A ; ei=q3VYVI3EMJS uQTtsoDwAQ & A ; usg=AFQjCNG_ZNPiJMafyPAb3f2z9pKlwkR7ew & A ; sig2=oY8T8Hod1JLQLQzlES7X0w & A ; bvm=bv.78677474, d.c2E Yu Ji. ( July 27, 2013 ) . Close to half of Malayan alumnuss either idle or employed in mismatches Fieldss.The Star. Zainah Anwar. ( July 13, 2007 ) . Why male childs are dawdling behind misss.New Straits Times. Kalaimagal and Norizan. ( 20121 ) , Employment issues among Malayan information and communicating engineering ( ICT ) graduates: A instance survey at hypertext transfer protocol: // sa=t & A ; rct=j & A ; q= & A ; esrc=s & A ; source=web & A ; cd=8 & A ; cad=rja & A ; uact=8 & A ; ved=0CEgQFjAH & A ; url=http % 3A % 2F % % 2Ffile % 2Fpublication % 2F00005131_86042.pdf & A ; ei=63pjVNeGBY6yuATRpoLgDw & A ; usg=AFQjCNHi_NvMbvrYEErFjGF5k7XxzkuTuA & A ; sig2=m1lBnW15DbwSByNTxHDzMQ & A ; bvm=bv.79189006, d.c2E The star ( 2011 ) . Employment, Pg. F20, 10 April 2011. Nurita, Shaharudin and Ainon ( 2004 ) .Percieved employability accomplishments of graduating pupils: Deductions for SMEs. Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Module for the Development of Soft Skills for Higher Learning Institution Malaysia, 2006. Azmi Anshar. ( 2011 ) , Don’t stew, allow gender ratio germinate of course at hypertext transfer protocol: // Blueprint: hypertext transfer protocol: // sa=t & A ; rct=j & A ; q= & A ; esrc=s & A ; source=web & A ; cd=1 & A ; cad=rja & A ; uact=8 & A ; ved=0CBwQFjAA & A ; url=http % 3A % 2F % % 2FPENGUMUMAN % 2FGE % 2520blueprint % 25202012-2017.pdf & A ; ei=D7h0VKm6Bo6CuwSgu4KQCw & A ; usg=AFQjCNFlZFST4__guwp25NKpubE_7olKBA & A ; sig2=dMhw3RXGPOLNDYtfC81N5w & A ; bvm=bv.80185997, d.c2E reforming national instruction hypertext transfer protocol: // sa=t & A ; rct=j & A ; q= & A ; esrc=s & A ; source=web & A ; cd=3 & A ; cad=rja & A ; uact=8 & A ; ved=0CCgQFjAC & A ; url=http % 3A % 2F % % 2Fwp-content % 2Fuploads % 2F2013 % 2F07 % 2FReforming-National-Education.pdf & A ; ei=gEZ3VIbGB4eyuASotIKYCg & A ; usg=AFQjCNFWXtxgfKhdXtDptdW2cipR6Dqb4w & A ; sig2=UBgLZwYQayOstiRFIPbewQ & A ; bvm=bv.80642063, d.c2E Nagaraj, S. ; Chew, S.B. ; Lee, K.H. ; and Rahimah, A.H ( explosive detection systems. ) ( 2009 ) , Education and Work: The universe of Work, Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of economic sciences and disposal, University of Malaya. hypertext transfer protocol: // Malaysia educational statistics 2014 hypertext transfer protocol: // sa=t & A ; rct=j & A ; q= & A ; esrc=s & A ; source=web & A ; cd=2 & A ; cad=rja & A ; uact=8 & A ; ved=0CCYQFjAB & A ; url=http: // % 20Quick % 20Facts % 202014.pdf? PHPSESSID=6f0e912c366b9e08e2d1e97d78f59373 & A ; ei=aXd3VOydH8O-uATHhYDQDg & A ; usg=AFQjCNFKlEP6LDq7xuUucVm8OZKGCdx08g & A ; sig2=yOHEjtw6Cmm1jilkqSq0ww & A ; bvm=bv.80642063, d.c2E 1

Friday, August 16, 2019

Macbeth Murder Essay

Guilt is one of the hardest emotions to control. It implants itself in one’s mind and is almost impossible to get rid of. Shakespeare’s Macbeth as well as Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart demonstrate how murder can lead to unexpected guilt. The main characters from both pieces commit murder and feel guilt for killing their victims, and also feel nervous about getting caught so much that they spell their own doom. Guilt is a very hard feeling to get rid of. Both Macbeth and The Tell-Tale Heart demonstrate how people live with guilt. After Macbeth murders Duncan, he feels like he made a big mistake. â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red. † (II, ii,ll 60-63) This quote reveals how Macbeth feels guilt about killing Duncan. He feels as if he will never get the blood, which is his guilt, off of his hands. Macbeth utters this quote out of sheer remorse for murdering Duncan because he believes that he was a good king and did not deserve to die. In addition, Macbeth feels like the dried blood stained on his hands is similar to the guilt fallen on him by Duncan’s murder, it is very difficult to get rid of, and will leave its mark if he tries to find someone to talk about it with to relieve his remorse. He must bottle up his guilt and only speak of it with Lady Macbeth who shows him no sympathy. In addition to feeling guilt, Macbeth is so nervous after he commits murder, that he ultimately spells his own doom by giving himself away. â€Å"O, yet I do repent me of my fury, that I did kill them. † (II, iii,ll116-117). Once it is found that Duncan is murdered, Macbeth says that he killed his guards because he was so angry with them. What really happened was Lady Macbeth killed them after Macbeth killed Duncan so that the evidence could not be traced back to Macbeth. Macbeth gives himself away by saying that he killed the guards, as there was no time to do it because he had just found out about Duncan’s death. This eventually leads to Macbeth being caught by Macduff who realized Macbeth’s mistake through the panic of the moment. The Tell-Tale Heart’s story is very close to that of Macbeth’s. The narrator also feels guilt after killing an old man because of his hatred of the old man’s â€Å"evil eye†. â€Å"Anything was more tolerable than this derision! I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die! And now—hark! Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder! †(Poe, 4). The narrator kills the old man and when the police come to interrogate him, he plays it off nicely and invites them in to talk. Eventually, the narrator’s guilt gets to him and he begins to hear the floorboards knocking, mimicking the beat of a heart. The narrator’s guilt comes back to him in the form of knocking floor boards, because he buried the man under those very same floorboards in his own house. He cannot get over the fact that he murdered the old man and hears knocking because of his grief and remorse. In brief, the knocking gets louder and louder as an expression of his grief that is growing stronger and stronger as he talks to the police. Moreover, the narrator of The Tell-Tale Heart, after assuring that he will get off scot-free, gives himself away due to how nervous he is. â€Å"’Villains! ’ I shrieked, ‘dissemble no more! I admit the deed! –tear up the planks! Here, here! – It is the beating of his hideous heart! † (Poe, 4). In this quotation, the narrator cracks under the pressure of being with the two police men so close to the old man’s body and gives himself away. The narrator is nervous that he will be caught, but plays the murder off well until finally his nerves cause him to hear the old man’s heart beating, and everything comes falling down from this point. The narrator feels so nervous that he finally shouts out where he hid the old man’s body and tears up the planks to reveal his body. If it were not for the narrators nervousness he would have got off scot-free, just as Macbeth could have as well. All in all, Both Shakespeare’s Macbeth as well as Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart demonstrate how guilt is inevitable after murder and is very difficult to deal with. In addition, both pieces demonstrate how nervousness can cause individuals to crack and give themselves up. Unfortunately, guilt and nervousness are what caused both these characters plans to crumble to dust.